t’s time to get your offers out to more people, beyond LeadsLeap network.
Yes, we are already doing that through our PPC program.
But we can do more.
Introducing LeadsLeap Traffic Coop
Most of you should know how traffic coop works.
You are given a unique coop link, in our case, it looks like this:
You promote the link in manual traffic exchanges, safelists or other traffic networks. (Visitors have to surf the link for at least 5 seconds before that visit is counted.)
In return, you get traffic back from the coop.
It’s a collective effort to help each other get more exposure.
But that’s not all…
Why LeadsLeap Coop?
1) Get here Coop Traffic To Your Credit Ads
Our Coop Network is an exclusive network.
Only members who participate in it can have their Credit Ads being rotated in the Coop Link. (Pro Ads are rotated in the Coop Link automatically.)
So, if you want to get free traffic from our new Coop program, start sending traffic to your Coop Link now.